How To Check Backlinks In Google Search Console?


1. Set Up on Google Search Console: Sign up, log in, and this is the place that will be your command center, your dashboard, your mission control for the well-being of your website in the broad context of the search index.

Read: How to Find Backlinks of a Website

2. Who’s Linking to You: Let’s now look at who has been talking about you. In the Search Console, click the property, then go to the menu item for Links > External Links. Click on Top Linking Sites. Here’s your leaderboard, your top 1000 fans (or foes). Each site also has stats for the number of linking and target pages.

Google search console admin

3. In-Depth Look into Your Top Linking Sites

Peruse it in more depth than just taking it at face value to review a list of sites; start clicking on each to see what they are linking to and how often. This is your intel, your reconnaissance.

Google search console - top linking pages

4. Your Top Linked Pages

Do you want to know what your most loved pages are? Jump over to Search Console, pick your property, then go to Links > External Links > Top Linked Pages. This is your popularity contest, your backlink hall of fame.

Google search console  - incoming links

5. Keep an Eye for New Links & Avoid Negative SEO: Monitor links. Keep an eye for your links so as not to fall victim to negative SEO. Download your backlink data from a service like Ahrefs and carefully watch out for the First Seen information. In fact, if you spot a bunch of links all discovered on the same day, that could quite easily be termed a negative SEO attack.

Ahrefs - referring domains

6. Audit, Audit, Audit Your Current Backlinks: Finally, turn your backlink list under the microscope. Calculative work should target the strength of the backlink profiles and identification of the strong and weak points.

7. Disavow: Want to send the message to search engines that you do not want anything to do with those “sketchy” links? It is time to roll your sleeves up. Use the Google Disavow tool to invite your guests to a backlink fiesta and backlink from the party. It’s the survival of the fittest out there in the world of SEO. That’s why monitoring your backlinks is so important to support your site in terms of authority and credibility. Google Search Console is the proverbial first line of defense.